Vol. 5 Issue 2 Part B

2021, Vol. 5 Issue 2, Part B
S. No. Title and Authors Name
Banafsha (Viola odorata L.), an important drug of Unani System of Medicine with recent advances
Fouzia Bashir, Jamal Akhtar, Nighat Anjum and Shah Alam
Pages: 73-78  -  Viewed: 2740  -  Downloaded: 1897  -  Country: India
Parikartika: A literary review based on various ancient classical ayurvedic lexicons
Jyoti Saini, Sachin Gupta, Saurabh Sharma, Kainat Ansari and Shruti Saraswat
Pages: 79-81  -  Viewed: 2066  -  Downloaded: 1313  -  Country: India
Traditional uses of medicinal plants of Badami Taluk district Bagalkot
Dr. AA Topalakatti
Pages: 82-83  -  Viewed: 1085  -  Downloaded: 375  -  Country: India
An assessment of correlation between Mizaj (Temperament) and grade 1 essential hypertension: An observational study
Yasra Farooqui, Mohd Yunus Siddiqui, Tanzeel Ahmad and Jamal Azmat
Pages: 84-88  -  Viewed: 1388  -  Downloaded: 656  -  Country: India
Syzygium cumini (Jamun) its medicinal uses
Dr. Subodh Kumar and Dr. Bachchu Singh
Pages: 89-97  -  Viewed: 1980  -  Downloaded: 1288  -  Country: India
Role of Nasya and Tarpan in Shushkakshipaka W.S.R. computer vision syndrome
Priya Patel, Vandana Vidyarthi and Preeti Pahwa
Pages: 98-100  -  Viewed: 1428  -  Downloaded: 673  -  Country: India
Nagasutra an effective and advance alternate of Ksharasutra for the treatment of Anorectal disorders: A hypothetical explication based on ancient ayurvedic treatise
Dheeraj Sharma and Rajesh Kumar Mishra
Pages: 101-104  -  Viewed: 1395  -  Downloaded: 676  -  Country: India
Clinical efficiency of Nigella sativa Linn in novel covid-19: A review study
Syed Ayesha Fatema and Jaleel Ahmed
Pages: 105-110  -  Viewed: 1088  -  Downloaded: 360  -  Country: India
A comprehensive review on therapeutic uses of Myristica fragrans in traditional systems of medicine
MMM Nifras, MFF Fasmila, JF Fatheena and AM Muthalib
Pages: 111-117  -  Viewed: 2361  -  Downloaded: 1566  -  Country: Sri Lanka
Concept of Kaphaj Shirorog in Ayurveda with modern counterpart: A review
Jaya Singh Kharson, Dayashankar Singh and Jyoti Gupta
Pages: 118-122  -  Viewed: 1374  -  Downloaded: 684  -  Country: India
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
Call for book chapter