Vol. 3, Issue - 4, Part B (2019)

2019, Vol. 3 Issue 4, Part BPages: 103-109

Nasya and ayurveda: A classical review based on ancient ayurvedic treatise

Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mishra
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Śālākya tantra is one of the branches of this very developed science in the past. The detail knowledge of Śālākya tantra is included in Suśruta saṁhitā. Ācārya Suśruta is the only person who explained the Śālākya tantra in a systemic manner in Uttartantra of Suśruta saṁhitā. Nasya treatment refers to an Ayurvedic therapy that includes instillation of herbal oils, juices or powders through the nasal route. It works specifically on disorders of ear, nose and throat. Nasya is one among the five Pañcakarma therapies. It is especially desirable for diseases of parts above the base of the neck; nasal passage being the gateway of the head.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Arun Kumar Pandey, Dr. Rajesh Kumar Mishra. Nasya and ayurveda: A classical review based on ancient ayurvedic treatise. Int J Unani Integ Med 2019;3(4):103-109. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2019.v3.i4b.112
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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