Vol. 2 Issue 1 Part A

2018, Vol. 2 Issue 1, Part A
S. No. Title and Authors Name
Utilization of regression analysis in clinical research
Anirban Goswami
Pages: 01-05  -  Viewed: 2786  -  Downloaded: 1511  -  Country: India
Fruits of medicinal importance
Mursaleen Naseer
Pages: 06-10  -  Viewed: 3269  -  Downloaded: 1893  -  Country: India
Therapeutic potential of Ushaq (Dorema ammoniacum D. Don): A unique drug of Unani medicine
Abdul Mobeen, MA Siddiqui, MA Quamri, Malik Itrat and Md Imran Khan
Pages: 11-16  -  Viewed: 4282  -  Downloaded: 2776  -  Country: India
Leech therapy (Irsal-e-Alaq) in Unani system of medicine: A review
Bilal Ahmed Khan, Raees Khan, Akhtar Husain chaudhary, Manzoor Ahmad and Jalis Ahmed
Pages: 17-19  -  Viewed: 2717  -  Downloaded: 1464  -  Country: India
Therapeutic, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Azadirachta indica: A review
Fahmeeda Zeenat, Mushfique Shadab Ravish, Wasim Ahmad and Intezar Ahmad
Pages: 20-28  -  Viewed: 3140  -  Downloaded: 1859  -  Country: India
Hair transplant FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique
Raees Khan, Bilal Khan, Akhatar Hussain Choudhary, Manzoor Ahamd and Khurshid Alam
Pages: 29-32  -  Viewed: 1883  -  Downloaded: 556  -  Country: India
An overview of Unani - medicine for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): Review article
Dr. Md Shahjalal Chowdhury
Pages: 33-35  -  Viewed: 3216  -  Downloaded: 1971  -  Country: Bangladesh
Nephro-protective concept and drugs described in Unani system of medicine: A review
Salma Jabeen Y, Shagufta Nikhat, Javed A Khan, Sharique Zohaib and Shabir Ahmad Parray
Pages: 36-39  -  Viewed: 2764  -  Downloaded: 1528  -  Country: India
A study on assessment of oral hygiene status and practices among community dwellers of Peenya 2nd stage, Bangalore
Ubais Ashraf, Basharat Rashid and Rashid Rafiq Mattoo
Pages: 40-47  -  Viewed: 1941  -  Downloaded: 756  -  Country: India
An update of unani medicine for Shara (Urticaria): Review study
Md. Shahjalal Chowdhury and Dr. Bilkis Afrose Shorna
Pages: 48-51  -  Viewed: 3587  -  Downloaded: 2162  -  Country: Bangladesh
Amaranthus spinosus Linn: A potential medicinal plant in Unani medicine
Dr. Minhaj Ahmad
Pages: 52-54  -  Viewed: 1121  -  Downloaded: 530  -  Country: India
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
Call for book chapter