Vol. 2, Issue - 1, Part A (2018)

2018, Vol. 2 Issue 1, Part APages: 33-35

An overview of Unani - medicine for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): Review article

Dr. Md Shahjalal Chowdhury
Viewed: 3216  -  Downloaded: 1971
Background: Prevention of STIs is a major concern worldwide. It is a major public health problems & these are rising alarming till now but this Disease is not possible prevent & Control exclusive with allopathic medicine due to antibiotic resistant. So, enrich with natural based Unani Medicine & other interventions role to treatment, prevent & control STD & its complication.
Objectives: In this review studies I will wanted to explore the causal factor of STDs and to explore which & Unani Medicinal Plants & formulated Unani Medicine & other interventions are to use prevent & control STIs.
Methods: I searched Unani Pharmacopeia of India, Publication of National Herbarium Bangladesh, ND Health facts & PubMed, internet data from inception to 18 November 2017 observational data relating to Unani Medicine and STDs to treatment, prevention.
Results: Evidence suggests that various listed Unani Medicinal Plants & formulated Unani Medicine used to cure STDs.
Conclusions: Somewhat this information should help our knowledge to enrich regarding how & which Unani Medicinal Plants & formulated Unani Medicine & interventions are to use treat the STD & promoting our Heath care but some traditional practice approaches further should be tested with RCT for authenticity.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Md Shahjalal Chowdhury. An overview of Unani - medicine for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): Review article. Int J Unani Integ Med 2018;2(1):33-35. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2018.v2.i1a.20
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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