Vol. 8, Issue - 2, Part B (2024)

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Part BPages: 119-123

An overview on Malancholia (a depressive disorder) in Unani system of medicine and its prevention through Asbaab-E-Sittae Zarooriah (six essential factors)

Dr. Sana Fatima, Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali Shah and Dr. Mohd Yousuf Uddin
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Depression is not described in classical Unani literature but the clinical features of Malekholiya described in Unani literature mimics the clinical features of depression as described in modern medicine. Unani Physician has narrated this disease under the heading Nafsiyati Awamil l and mentioned in their ancient scripture that making changes in our life style through Asbab e sitta zarooriya now we can offer long-term benefits to the mental health. In the Unani system of medicine, Tabiyat is an individual's internal power or capacity to withstand or combat disease or perform normal physiological functions. Strengthening tabiyat can better be obtained with moderation in Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya. Unani medicine recognizes six factors called as Asbab-e-Sitta Zarooriya which are essential in establishing a synchronized biological system and thus living a balanced existence.
These six essential factors are: Hawa-e-Muhit (Atmospheric Air), Makool-wa-Mashroob (Foods and Drinks), Harkat-wa-Sakoon-e-Jismani (Rest and Physical activity), Harkat-wa-Sakoon-c- Nafsani (Psychological activity and Repose),Naum-wa-Yaqzah (Sleep and Wakefulness),Istifragh-wa-Ihtibas (Elimination and Retention). Going through the Unani classics, it is revealed that a very elaborative discussion regarding Malekholiya (Malencholia / Depression) and its management is available in Unani System of Medicine. Unani scholars have strongly advocated the use of Asbaab-e-Sttae Zarooriyah in Malenkholia.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Sana Fatima, Dr. Mir Wajahath Ali Shah, Dr. Mohd Yousuf Uddin. An overview on Malancholia (a depressive disorder) in Unani system of medicine and its prevention through Asbaab-E-Sittae Zarooriah (six essential factors). Int J Unani Integ Med 2024;8(2):119-123. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2024.v8.i2b.288
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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