Vol. 8, Issue - 2, Part B (2024)

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Part BPages: 111-118

Evaluation of the efficacy of Unani formulation (Nuskha-e-Munzij) along with wet cupping (Hijama-bil-Shart) in patients of rheumatoid arthritis (Waja ál Mafasil) as an adjuvant therapy

Sualiha Khatoon, Mohammad Shoaib, Jamal Azmat and Mohd Anwar
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Objectives: Rheumatoid arthritis is a multifactorial autoimmune disease that causes pain, disability, and mortality due to its progressive course of articular and extra-articular symptoms. Effective RA management requires a multidisciplinary approach in the early stages of RA that can slow disease progression and may prevent disability. In the Unani system of medicine, several Unani formulations and regimens are effectively used in the management of Waja‘al-Mafāṣil (RA). Therefore, this study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of Unani Formulation (Nuskha-e-Munzij) along with wet cupping (Ḥijāma bi’l Sharṭ) in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis (Waja‘al-Mafāṣil) as an adjuvant therapy.
Methods: In this clinical trial, 40 patients diagnosed with RA based on 2010 ACR/EULAR classification criteria were randomly distributed into two groups, A and B, with 20 patients in each group. In Group A (test group) combination of standard treatment and Unani formulation (Nuskha-e-Munzij), in the form of decoction, was given for 21 days, after that, Ḥijāma bi’l Sharṭ (wet cupping) was performed 3 sittings fortnightly, and in Group B (control group) only standard treatment was given, which included tablets of Methotrexate and Hydroxy chloroquine. All the patients were examined clinically before the treatment and haematological investigations were conducted at each follow-up at 0 days (baseline), 21st day, 35th day, and 49th day. The efficacy was determined on subjective parameters i.e., VAS, DAS score, swelling, stiffness, restricted movement, tenderness, and objective parameters i.e., CRP, RA factor, and ESR. The statistical analysis was done on all the patients by student t-test (Unpaired).
Results: The study showed that there was a more significant improvement in subjective and objective parameters in patients of the test group as compared to the control group.
Conclusion: Unani Formulation (Nuskha-e-Munzij) and Ḥijāma bi’l Sharṭ (wet cupping therapy) were found effective and safe in treating mild to moderate cases of Rheumatoid arthritis as an adjuvant therapy to standard treatment.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Sualiha Khatoon, Mohammad Shoaib, Jamal Azmat, Mohd Anwar. Evaluation of the efficacy of Unani formulation (Nuskha-e-Munzij) along with wet cupping (Hijama-bil-Shart) in patients of rheumatoid arthritis (Waja ál Mafasil) as an adjuvant therapy. Int J Unani Integ Med 2024;8(2):111-118. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2024.v8.i2b.287
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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