2024, Vol. 8 Issue 2, Part APages: 07-10
History of hygiene: An overview
Sadaf firdaus and Ammar Ibne Anwar
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Hygiene refers to conditions and practises that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. Hygiene is a multifaceted Pandora's box of dubious information. Filth, disease, bugs, germs, filthy private habits, ideas about compulsive cleanliness, and coercive states enforcing mental and racial hygiene are all present. The concept of hygiene is different according to the different people. Hand washing was considered a religious practise in early Egyptian period. The majority of Egyptians bathed in the Nile River once a day. Showers were available to the wealthy Egyptians. The Roman aqueducts were a crowning technological achievement of the ancient world. Prior to the invention of soap, people were scrubbed clean with a tool known as a strigil. During the Middle Ages, it became customary to wash one's hands before eating. Soap was brought from the East by knights during the Crusades. In the late-19th century, people began to realize the relationship between cleanliness and good health. The aim of this paper is to discuss about hygiene, history of hygiene and importance of hygiene in different civilization and evolution of hygiene process from 3000 BC up to 2018 AD.