Vol. 8, Issue - 1, Part B (2024)

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 1, Part BPages: 123-126

A critical study on applied aspect of vata dosha

Dr. Suman Singh and Dr. Vivek Singh
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Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala are the components of the human body. Vata Dosha is regarded as the most significant of all the Sharira Doshas due to its special qualities and array of bodily functions. Dhatu and Mala, in addition to other Doshas, are governed by Vata Dosha. The Vata Dosha contributes to the preservation of the Dhatus, Mala, and Dosha balance. Vata Dosha carries all other Doshas to different places during the exacerbated phases where they cause illnesses. The Vata Dosha aids in the body's removal of Mala, which supports the preservation of the body's homeostatic state. Furthermore, Agni, which is said to be the primary force governing a number of physiological processes including digestion, absorption, and metabolism, is regulated by Vata Dosha. As a result, Vata Dosha controls all these vital processes necessary for life. Vata Dosha controls mental states and their activities as well as the healthy operation of the body's numerous sense organs. Additionally, Vata Dosha controls the actions of various Srotas and is in charge of various Srotodusti, which result in the development of various ailments. The capacity of the Vata Dosha to highlight the qualities of other Doshas without losing its own identity is what sets it apart from the other Doshas. Because of its special qualities, it can also cause various ailments when combined with other Doshas. Therefore, when Vata Dosha is in an aggravated state, it results in the greatest number of ailments, but when it is in a normal state, it aids in maintaining the body's equilibrium and is the most important component for life.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Suman Singh, Dr. Vivek Singh. A critical study on applied aspect of vata dosha. Int J Unani Integ Med 2024;8(1):123-126. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2024.v8.i1b.272
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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