Vol. 8, Issue - 1, Part A (2024)

2024, Vol. 8 Issue 1, Part APages: 34-42

A clinical study of Unani formulation in the management of chronic sinusitis: An open randomized, controlled study

Dr. Mohd Tauseef Alam, Mohammad Sheeraz Mushtaque Ahmed, Shameem Ahmad Rather, Nida Khan and Mohd Afsahul Kalam
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Chronic Sinusitis (Iltihāb Tajāwīf Al-Anf Muzmin) is a chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses that affects people of all ages. It is usually followed by coryza and cold or sometime resultant of dental infection, deeply seated in upper jaw. The maxillary sinuses are usually involved in the majority of cases. Other sinuses on one or both sides, however, may be affected. It has remained a challenge despite the use of several newer treatment regimens due to relapse, recurrence and resistance. The holistic method of Unani treatment can thrive in diseases with temperamental association and evidences of Unani medicine effectiveness in Iltihāb Tajāwīf Al-Anf Muzmin (Chronic Sinusitis) have been found throughout history, but it lacks the scientific data for validation. As a result, a Unani formulation was chosen for the clinical trial in Nazla Bārid Muzmin to assess safety and efficacy on scientific parameters. The objective of this study was to evaluate Safety and efficacy of Unani formulation (Joshānda), to Study various aspects of chronic sinusitis with reference to classical as well as modern literature and to compare the effects of Unani formulation with the known standard control in the management of chronic sinusitis.
Methods: In an open labelled, randomized and standard controlled trial, the Unani formulation (Joshānda) was given to the test group in a dose of 100ml once a day before breakfast orally and “Nuskha Joshanda Nazla Barid” (standard control) was given after ethical approval. Both the drugs were continued for a period of 45 days in each group. After which all the patients were assessed for subjective and objective parameters. The results were analyzed statistically.
Results: A significant improvement (p<0.001) was observed in subjective parameters and objective parameters.
Conclusion: The Unani polyherbal formulation of test drug was effective in improving the subjective and objective parameters as compared to control drug. Both the treatment were generally well tolerated.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mohd Tauseef Alam, Mohammad Sheeraz Mushtaque Ahmed, Shameem Ahmad Rather, Nida Khan, Mohd Afsahul Kalam. A clinical study of Unani formulation in the management of chronic sinusitis: An open randomized, controlled study. Int J Unani Integ Med 2024;8(1):34-42. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2024.v8.i1a.259
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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