Acute cystitis is an infection and inflammation of the urinary Bladder wall, most commonly due to the coli form bacteria; especially E. coli. The route of infection is typically ascending from the urethra such as instrumentation or by spread of infection from upper urinary tract. Symptoms include irritative voiding symptoms like burning micturition, frequency, urgency, dysuria and suprapubic pain are common. Urine appears hazy and may be offensive. Women may experience gross haematuria. There is no pyrexia. Cystitis found more frequently in women than in men. It is estimated that one third of the women population has at least one episode of cystitis in their lifetime. Of these many will have recurrent cystitis. The incidence of cystitis is higher in sexually active women than post- menopausal women. Other reason for the higher Prevalence of cystitis in women is shorter and straighter urethra. There is a high incidence of cystitis in immune compromised, elderly, diabetic and individuals with indwelling catheters. Acute uncomplicated bacterial cystitis is common in general practice. Cystitis is at the second raw of antibiotic treatment indications. Females are commonly affected with cystitis than males. The Female to male ratio is 4:1. Common age group is 18 – 39 years. According to Unani concept, the inflammation of urinary bladder wall is due to abnormal Bilious and Sanguineous matter, And sometimes in combination of both humours. The symptoms of warm-e-haar- masana are pain, fever, dysuria, local inflammation. The study is carried out to assess the efficacy and therapeutic response of Unani drugs in acute cystitis. In the Pg Dept. of Moalejat, at Govt. Nizamia tibbi College and hospital, Hyderabad, 60 patients are registered and 40 patients are selected for the trial. These 40 patients are divided into two groups with 20 patients in each group. Informed consent form is taken after explaining the nature and purpose of the study.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Shagufta Shahin, Dr. Syed Babji, Dr. MD Sirajul Haq, Dr. Ahsan Faroqui. Clinical study and efficacy of Unani treatment in acute cystitis (Warm – E – Masana Haad). Int J Unani Integ Med 2023;7(3):44-58. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2023.v7.i3a.248