Vol. 7, Issue - 3, Part A (2023)

2023, Vol. 7 Issue 3, Part APages: 26-34

A comparative pharmaceutico-clinical evaluation of boladi vati and kanyalohadi vati W.S.R. to Kashtartava

Ambika Patil and Santosh Rangannavar
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Women’s health is the primary factor to be considered for wellbeing of family, society and culture. Kashtartava is broad term which covers all the problems and ailments that a woman may suffer from pain during menstruation. By analysis one can state this is a result of Vatavruddhi, Apanavata margavarodha, Artava dushti and Dhatukshaya. Kashtartava can be compared with the Dysmenorrhea in Modern medicine. Its prevalence is estimated at 25% of women and up to 90% of adolescents. The majority of cases of Dysmenorrhea are Primary Dysmenorrhea. Today’s stressful modern life style, food habits are affecting more to the uterine environment which leads to higher incidence of Dysmenorrhoea. In this scenario Ayurvedic herbal preparations are proved safe and effective than modern therapeutics which may results in some unwanted complications. In the present study Kashtartava is taken for Primary Dysmenorrhea. The whole work was undertaken in three main parts as: pharmaceutical study, analytical study and Clinical study. The Prepared formulations were administered to the patients of Primary Dysmenorrhoea, for a period of 15 days starting from 7 days prior to menstruation for 2 consecutive cycles, 40 volunteers were selected 20 being in each group. As Boladi Vati and Kanyalohadi Vati are mentioned in the classical text of Rasashastra, the ingredients of the both formulations possesses the specific properties like Vatakaphahara, Shoolaghna, Vatanulomana, Dhatuposhaka. Both the trial drugs have shown significant action in relieving primary Dysmenorrhoea but among both, action of Kanyalohadi vati is comparatively superior to Boladi vati.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Ambika Patil, Santosh Rangannavar. A comparative pharmaceutico-clinical evaluation of boladi vati and kanyalohadi vati W.S.R. to Kashtartava. Int J Unani Integ Med 2023;7(3):26-34. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2023.v7.i3a.245
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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