Vol. 7, Issue - 2, Part A (2023)

2023, Vol. 7 Issue 2, Part APages: 28-33

Standardization of Unani polyherbal formulation (Zanjabeel, Luk-e-maghsool, suddab and Marzanjosh)

Uzma Siddiqui and Shamshad Alam
Viewed: 810  -  Downloaded: 415
Background: Standardization of herbal drugs is very important for quality control. It improves the safety and efficacy of drug to provide the best possible medicine to the society. Unani polyherbal Formulation comprising of Tukhm-e-Suddab (Ruta graveolens), Zanjabeel (Zingiber officinale), Luk-e-maghsool (Laccifer lacca / Coccus lacca) and Marzanjosh (Origanum vulgare L.) mentioned by Hakim Najmul Ghani in his treatise khazainul Advia for the treatment of obesity was selected for standardisation. This formulation was used in a powdered form. The main aim of this study was to standardize UPF, on the basis of organoleptic characters and physico-phytochemical analysis.
Methods: The drugs were cleaned, dried in shade and powdered by passing through sieve # no. 80 as per the method described in National Formulary of Unani Medicine. This Safoof formulation was evaluated using physicochemical tests: extractive value, alcohol and water soluble, ash value, LOD at 105°C, pH and TLC. Statistical analysis used: Mean ± SEM.
Result: Organoleptic characters of the formulation are brown in colour, aromatic, tangy taste and coarse texture. Physicochemical parameters displayed water soluble extractive (14.96 ± 0.145), alcohol soluble extractive (20.30 ± 0.264), total ash (7.83 ± 0.166), acid insoluble ash (2.16 ± 0.600), water soluble ash (5.66 ± 0.928), LOD at 105oC (9.73 ± 0.260), pH of 1% and 10% solution were 8.23 ± 0.033 and 6.23 ± 0.145 respectively. Phytochemical qualitative analysis displayed presence of alkaloids, carbohydrate, glycosides, tannins, sterol, starch, phenols, saponin, fixed oil and amino acid.
Conclusion: The standardization of this formulation was done and the data obtained would be used as a standard for future reference.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Uzma Siddiqui, Shamshad Alam. Standardization of Unani polyherbal formulation (Zanjabeel, Luk-e-maghsool, suddab and Marzanjosh). Int J Unani Integ Med 2023;7(2):28-33. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2023.v7.i2a.238
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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