2023, Vol. 7 Issue 2, Part APages: 20-22
Unravelling the significance of immunity in disease prevention and health promotion within the Unani system of medicine
Dr. Atiya Anjum and Shazia Anjum
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The Unani system of medicine is a comprehensive discipline that addresses the well-being and illnesses of the human body from preventive, promotive, and curative perspectives. It adopts a holistic approach, considering the entire individual rather than focusing solely on the disease in a reductionist manner. The fundamental concept of this system, introduced by Buqrat (also known as Hippocrates, 460-377 BC), emphasizes the presence of a unique innate capacity within each individual known as "tabiyat" or Quwwat-e-mudabbira badan, which acts as the body's defence mechanism. The role of Tabiyat in health and disease is crucial and should be understood. Tabiyat, often referred to as nature, acts as the body's best physician, regulating and restoring physiological mechanisms, enhancing immunity, and resisting ailments. Therefore, there are ways and means of immunostimulation and immunomodulation in Unani system of Medicine which offers a novel approach for promoting and restoring health and to treating various diseases.