Vol. 7, Issue - 2, Part A (2023)

2023, Vol. 7 Issue 2, Part APages: 10-13

Role of dalk in alleviating chronic neck pain: An overview

Dr. Mohammad Junaid, Dr. Atiya Anjum and Dr. Rubi Anjum
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Worldwide, neck pain is a condition that is getting more widespread. It has a considerable impact on individuals and their families, communities, health-care systems, and business, neck discomfort results in significant economic expense and impairment. Neck pain is a significant cause of morbidity and disability in contemporary society, particularly at the work place, and has a negative impact on patients' social, physical, and psychological well being. About 441 million people in high-income nations are the most affected, followed by WHO member countries, West Pacific Region, home to 427 million people, South-East Asia Region with 369 million. In unani system of medicine Neck pain is clinically comparable to the recognized condition "Waja ul Unq". In Unani medicine, there are diverse treatment approaches available for neck pain, following the principles of Waja ul Unq. These include the use of compound drugs and regimenal therapies such as Hijama (cupping therapy) and Dalk (massage). The mechanism of action of Dalk is rooted in two fundamental concepts: Tanqiya-e-Mawad and Imala-e-Mawad.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mohammad Junaid, Dr. Atiya Anjum, Dr. Rubi Anjum. Role of dalk in alleviating chronic neck pain: An overview. Int J Unani Integ Med 2023;7(2):10-13. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2023.v7.i2b.234
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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