2021, Vol. 5 Issue 1, Part APages: 01-08
Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Unani coded drug UNIM-904 with allopathic drug amlodipine in the treatment of essential hypertension
S Afza, P Khan, S Rehman, S Ayub, R Singh, RS Verma, Jamal Akhtar and Asim Ali Khan
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Hypertension (known as Zaghtuddam Qawi Lazmi in Unani literature) is a major public health issue affecting millions of people worldwide and is also the most prevalent cardiovascular disease risk factor. Available synthetic medicines have serious side effects, therefore, medicines of herbal origin have been extensively used in therapeutic management of hypertension for a long time. The present study aims to evaluate the comparative efficacy and safety of Unani drug UNIM-904 with an allopathic drug amlodipine in essential hypertension cases. The data presented in this work is a part of a multicentric, randomized and open level clinical trial conducted on 41 UNIM-904 and 61 amlodipine cases at Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Aligarh, during 2014-2018. The statistical analysis of data presented was done by using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dennett’s’ test and, p value of ≤0.05 was considered significant. The study indicates that when results were compared with baseline to different follow-ups of two groups treated with Unani and allopathic drug, namely, UNIM-904 and amlodipine, the former has shown a significant and much better relief in various symptoms of essential hypertension patients viz vertigo, palpitation and laziness as compared to allopathic drug amlodipine. Thus, it is concluded that both the drugs do possess anti hypertensive activity and reduce systolic, diastolic blood pressure and pulse rate, respectively, yet the Unani coded drug has shown comparatively better rate of efficacy, safety and without side effect and, therefore, recommended for use in essential hypertension cases. Further studies are suggested on a larger group of essential hypertensive patients in order to develop safe, effective, viable and cheap herbal drug to combat hypertension evading satisfactory cure in modern medicine.
How to cite this article:
S Afza, P Khan, S Rehman, S Ayub, R Singh, RS Verma, Jamal Akhtar, Asim Ali Khan. Comparative study of efficacy and safety of Unani coded drug UNIM-904 with allopathic drug amlodipine in the treatment of essential hypertension. Int J Unani Integ Med 2021;5(1):01-08. DOI: