Dr. Firasath Farheen
Abstract:Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a functional disorder of the Gut and clinically defined illness. It is called Irritable Bowel Syndrome because there is no precise objective disorder that doctor can identify, rather a group of symptoms or complaints characterized most commonly by cramping, abdominal pain, bloatin constipation and diarrhea.
Four Bowel patterns seen with IBS. These patterns include irritable Bowel Syndrome-D (Diarrhea predominant), Irritable Bowel Syndrome-C (Constipation predominant), and Irritable Bowel Syndrome-M (Mixed Diarrhea and Constipation). In this present study, only Diarrhea Predominant & Constipation Predominant cases were included.
Bowel Symptoms: This study shows higher number of cases with incomplete evacuation i.e. 82.5%, bloating 77.5% and constipation 65%. Lower number of cases with urgency i.e. 37.5%, Diarrhea 35%, Passage of mucus 30% and staining 15%.
This study shows that response of treatment is higher in constipation predominant patient and lower in diarrhea predominant patient.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome was recognized in the early nineteenth century. Although Unani classical text does not give a particular name for this syndrome. As this is a syndrome and not a disease. Unani philosopher’s and physicians have already described most of the symptoms of the syndrome under various headings in disease of Gastro Intestinal Tract such as Ishaal-e-Dimaghee, Ishal-e-edwari, Zarb-wa-khulpha due to various causes Asbi Dast, Ghair Tbaee balgham, Ghair Tabayee, Safra, Nazli, Zof-eamaa-vo-meda, defect in harkat-e-dudia of intestine, increased function of Aurukh-e-Jazeeba, distribances of Asbab-e-sath-e-zarooriya and Qaulanj of different causes.