Vol. 4, Issue - 3, Part B (2020)

2020, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Part BPages: 92-94

Leech therapy in varicose vein: A case report

Dr. Rabia Nizam and Dr. Mohammad Shakeel Ansari
Viewed: 1662  -  Downloaded: 907
Varicose veins (DAWALI) are common worldwide affecting all ages being present in about 20% of people aged 20 and women are more commonly affected. This disease is described as dilated, elongated, tortuous and sacculated veins of lower limb. Varicose veins can be managed by various conservative and surgical treatment such as injection sclerotherapy, foam sclerotherapy, radio Frequency ablation and operative procedures including ligation, ligation and stripping and phlebotomy but all these have their own side effects. The objective of study is to evaluate the effect of leeching for varicose vein on a 55 years old male patient visited surgical OPD, NIUM with the complaints of Visible dilated veins in right lower limb and mild dull aching pain in right lower limb, he was admitted for 10 days and treated with leech therapy at different sitting. The sign and symptom reduced to 90% and patient got great relief.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Rabia Nizam, Dr. Mohammad Shakeel Ansari. Leech therapy in varicose vein: A case report. Int J Unani Integ Med 2020;4(3):92-94. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2020.v4.i3b.150
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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