Vol. 4, Issue - 3, Part A (2020)

2020, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Part APages: 40-48

Clinical and therapeutic efficacy of Unani drugs in the treatment of recurrent Uti in geriatric age (Tadia-E-Majari-E-BOL)

Dr. Asma Sultana, Dr. Tahera Begum and Dr. Uzma Viquar
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Recurrent urinary infection consist of repeated attacks of symptoms. It is much more common in females than males. But due to BPH as major predisposing factor in males, recurrent infections is much more common in them, in their elderly age. UTIs are the most common of all bacterial infections and can occur at any time in the life of an individual. The present Research study on Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection (RUTI) was conducted on 40 patients, divided in two groups of 20 each and the two groups was treated with separate group of medicine i.e., Group ‘A’ & ‘B’.
The present study explored that dominant humoural incidence of Tadia-e-Majari-e-Bol (urinary tract infection) is more common in Safravi Mizaj and according to Unani text Warm-e-Majari-e-Bol is due to derangement of Safravi Khilt. The investigation data shows most of the patients have pus cells and are bacterial culture positive and some patients have red cells and albumin in urine. After going through their investigation, 20 patients were treated with Group ‘A’ & another 20 patients with Group ‘B’ medicine for the period of 6 weeks with a weekly follow up. This research study ultimately concluded that Group ‘ A’ medicine have response as Cured 70%, Partial Response 15% and No Response 15% and response with Group ‘B’ medicine as Cured 60%, Partial Response 25% and No Response 15%. It can be inferentially started as Group ‘A’ medicine has better response than Group ‘ B’ medicine. After going through all the observation and results of this study, it is concluded that both the group of drugs were effective in the management of Tadia - e- Majaria-e- Bol (Urinary tract infection). Both the drug groups are safe and free from any side effect on other body organs.

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Dr. Asma Sultana, Dr. Tahera Begum, Dr. Uzma Viquar. Clinical and therapeutic efficacy of Unani drugs in the treatment of recurrent Uti in geriatric age (Tadia-E-Majari-E-BOL). Int J Unani Integ Med 2020;4(3):40-48. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2020.v4.i3a.144
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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