2020, Vol. 4 Issue 3, Part APages: 27-30
Incredible health benefits of adusa (Adhatoda vasica)
Adnan Mastan
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Adusa is a well-known herbal remedy used in Unani system of medicine for its beneficial effects, especially in bronchitis. The herb containing fresh, dried, ripe leaves of Adhatoda vasica Nees, Family Acanthaceae, is a sub-herbaceous bush which grows and found throughout the year in plains and sub-Himalayan tracts in India, ascending up to 1200 m., flowering occurs during February-March and also at the end of rainy season. Adusa leaves, bark, root bark, fruit and flowers help to remove intestinal parasites. Adusa herb is used in the treatment of cold, cough, bronchitis and asthma. In acute bronchitis especially when the sputum is thick and sticky, it gives unfailing relief. Its action on liquefying the sputum makes it easier for body to expel sputum. It’s dried leaves may be smoked to get relief from asthma. Local application of poultice of adusa leaves is also used with beneficial results over rheumatic joints, inflammatory swellings and fresh wounds. Scabies and other skin diseases may also be treated with a warm decoction of its leaves. In this paper general medicinal uses and pharmacological activities of various parts of this plant have been discussed and reviewed.