Vol. 4, Issue - 2, Part A (2020)

2020, Vol. 4 Issue 2, Part APages: 51-54

Unani perspective of Baras (Vitiligo) and its management in unani system of medicine: A review

Faisel Manzoor
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Baras (Vitiligo) is an acquired pigmentary, multifactorial, Polygenic disorder, with a complex pathogenesis. It is a common depigmenting disorder has an estimated prevelance of 0.5-2% of the population worldwide. The disease is characterized by the selective loss of melanocytes which results in typical non scaly, chalky white macules. The main effect of Baras (Vitiligo) is in the form of psychological impact of the disease. In unani system of medicine (USM) Bars is caused due to weakness of Quwat –e-Mughaiyirah wa Mushabbiha (transformative faculty) of the skin and the liver. Besides these Fasad-ud –Dam (impairment of blood) and Burudat –ud-Dam (coldness of blood) also play an important role in aggreviating Bars. The role of diet (restrictions and recommendations) are well documented in the classic unani literature in the management of Baras (Vitiligo).The Management of Baras (Vitiligo) involves Tanqiya –e-Badan. It is performed in three steps: administering Munzij –e-Balgham drugs till Nuzj appears followed by three mushil (Purges) and Tabreed (Cooling agents) after every Ishal. Objective: At this time there is no effective pharmaceutical treatment for Baras (Vitiligo). Therefore, the major aim of this article is to summarize the evidence regarding the dietary measures and treatment approach of Baras (Vitiligo) in USM. Methodology: Through ancient unani literature and journals related to the psychological effect, role of diet and management of Baras (Vitiligo). Conclusion: Present review has been studied on the principles of unani medicine which concludes that diet and unani drugs plays vital role in the management of Baras (Vitiligo).

International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
How to cite this article:
Faisel Manzoor. Unani perspective of Baras (Vitiligo) and its management in unani system of medicine: A review. Int J Unani Integ Med 2020;4(2):51-54. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2020.v4.i2a.134
International Journal of Unani and Integrative Medicine
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