Abstract: Sleep is reversible state of human that disengages the body from environment and makes body unresponsiveness. Sleep plays vital role for different physiological and psychological functions and makes body to recover and gain strength for further functions. It is considered an important part of life that leads to enhance many life functions such as memory processing and consolidation of various stimuli, development of brain cells and its complex cellular connections within the brain. Sleep is important for rapid cell division and immunity boosting event makes body smart to survive. Unani system of medicine is solely based on the fundamentals of Mizaj (temperament) and Tabiyat(physis). Homeostasis of Mizaj reflects healthy state of the body and any deviation of Mizaj either qualitative or quantitative leads to diseased condition. According to unani system of medicine there are six essential pre-requisites necessary for life called Asbaab-e-Sitta Zarooriya and Naum Wa Yaqza (sleep and wakefulness) is one of them. Mizaj of human beings is closely related to sleep and nature of sleep affects Mizaj of the humans and vice versa.
How to cite this article:
Dr. Mohd Azfar, Mohd. Saleem, Yusuf Jamal. Study of sleep, wake pattern in healthy individuals with reference to different Mizaj. Int J Unani Integ Med 2020;4(1):14-17. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2020.v4.i1a.117