Abstract: The word Viá¹£a (poison) is originated from the term 'Viá¹£annat' means the one which causes Viá¹£Äda (melancholy). According Ä€cÄryÄs Viá¹£a Dravyas owns various Guṇas (Laghu, Ruká¹£a etc.) through which it performs various Karmas (actions) in ÅšÄrÄ«ra. Ä€cÄryÄs are agreeing that a total ten number of Guṇas are present in Viá¹£a Dravya. Present study has been carried out to explore the Concept of Guṇa and Karma in Viá¹£a Dravyas.Our study reveals that in Bá¹›hattrayÄ« there were addition of some other Guṇas such as Āśhu, VyavÄyÄ«, VikÄśī, AnirdeÅ›ya Rasa, and ApÄkÄ« apart from GurvÄdi Guṇa. Scholars opine that the number of Guṇas should not be limited twenty as there may be various Guṇas in different contexts. In case of Ä€cÄrya ÅšÄrá¹…gdhara's eight Guṇas it can be considered as mixture of both Guṇa and Karma. Viá¹£a can act as potential antidote by understanding the concept Gati and PrabhÄva. So it can be concluded that according to Guṇa and Karma Viá¹£a dravya can be lethal to ÅšÄrÄ«ra in both acute and chronic manner but it can be practiced therapeutically if used judiciously.
How to cite this article:
Ashish Bharti Goswami, Ramakant Marde. Understanding of Guṇa and Karma in Viṣa Dravyas: A review. Int J Unani Integ Med 2019;3(4):18-21. DOI: 10.33545/2616454X.2019.v3.i4a.101