2019, Vol. 3 Issue 3, Part APages: 35-39
Asl Khalis (Honey) a multi-functional drug of unani system of medicine
Fouzia Bashir and Jamal Akhtar
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The use of Asl Khalis (Honey) in the treatment of external and internal ailments is much older than the history of medicine itself. Asl Khalis (Honey) as a natural product has clinched the attention of researchers as a complementary and alternative medicine. According to Unani Medicine, it is used as nutritive agent, as a natural food supplement and therapeutically has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, detergent, deobstruent, lithotryptic and wound healing properties. Asl Khalis (Honey) consists of glucose, fructose, water, maltose, trisaccharide and other carbohydrates, sucrose, minerals, proteins, vitamins and enzymes. Through this paper, an effort is made to review the evidence based research in the usefulness of Asl Khalis (Honey).