Abstract:Tomato is one of the most important and widely grown vegetables in the World. It is important in a variety of dishes as raw, cooked or processed products more than any other vegetables. In Ethiopia, tomato is an important cash crop widely produced by smallholder farmers and commercial growers under irrigated conditions.
The experiment was conducted at Adami Tulu on station under irrigation during 2016. All study districts are located in the mid rift valley of Oromia where ATARC is located and characterized with the same agro-ecology.
The experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The size of a plot was 12 m2 (4 m x 3 m). Each plot accommodated 4 rows and each row contained 10 plants. A spacing of 30 cm and 70 cm between plants and rows were used, respectively.
The result of the present study showed that the application of NPS, Eco-green and urea improved the growth and yield of tomato crop and enhanced the soil chemical parameters.
Therefore, NPS 200KG/ha, urea 300kg/ha and eco-green 400L/ha can be suggested for tomato crops production for soil nutrient management system in the studied area, however, since the experiment was done once and only at one location, the research should be repeated involving several other varieties at different locations and over various seasons to reach a conclusive recommendation.