2018, Vol. 2 Issue 2, Part BPages: 117-124
A review on Sufoofe sailan: A Polyherbal formulation in the management of Sailan-ur-Rehm (Leucorrhoea)
Seema Rani
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Sailanur rehm (leucorrhoea) is a gynaecological disorder from which a large number of women suffers. It is a broad term, not a single entity. In Unani system of medicine, discharges from cervix, uterus, and vagina other than blood are described as Sailanur rehm. It covers almost all types of genital tract infections. It is an everyday problem encountered in front of gynaecologists by a number of patients who complaints of vaginal discharge, pruritus, odour and pain. It is named by the names Safaidi, Safeid Pallu, Sailane Abyaz, Parwar Rog, Shwet Parwar. Many single and compound drugs have been used in Unani system of medicine since time immemorial. Sufoofe sailan is one of the famous and potent medicine used for this problem. Among compound preparations for the Sailanur rehm, Sufoofe sailan is one of famous formulation. It is a Polyherbal powder preparation described in various texts of Unani medicine and is used to treat Sailanur rahem (leucorrhea), Uqr (sterility), Surate inzal (premature ejaculation) etc. It contains ingredients which are qabiz (styptic) and habis (astringent) by temperament and mujaffif (dessicant) and muqawwi (tonic) by action. It has three different nuskhas formulas with different ingredients in different classical texts with a slight difference in their functions with one common function is the treatment of Sailanur rehm. It has been checked against physicochemical parameters, microbiological parameters, accelerated stability and photo stability studies in my research studies on this drug and was found to give satisfactory results and under limit set by WHO guidelines. A Clinical study on sufoofe sailan conducted at NIUM OPD also has been discussed. Single ingredients of NFUM nuskha for Sufoofe sailan are also discussed with description of all the important points. Moreover, Formulation evidence status of Sufoofe sailan was also found to be satisfactory. Hence Sufoofe sailan can be considered as a safe and effective medicine for Sailanur rehm.